Sunday, January 12, 2025, 1:00 p.m. (ET)
"Practical Peacebuilding Workshop" is on Sunday, January 12, 2025, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. It will be facilitated by Rev. Theresa Fieberts.
Sunday, January 12: Who Am I?
By examining the merits and/or validity of their basic belief systems, participants have the opportunity to identify a healthy sense of who they are and how they want to show up in the world. Identifying Core Values and assessing alignment is our goal.
Sunday, February 9: What Do I Need?
Peace always begins within, and one important step is gaining and maintaining insight into our needs and our feelings. A key element in this playful and interactive workshop is the emotional intelligence that comes from self-awareness. As Marshall Rosenberg stated “All violence is our expression of an unmet need.”
Sunday, March 9: Empowered & Compassionate Communication
Yes, you can have both. A sense of empowerment, understanding who you are and what you need, is the doorway to compassionate listening, connection and communication with other people. This workshop adds additional skill and methods for conflict resolution that can be used to create positive change not only for yourself but for your relationships, in your families, workplaces, and communities.
These stand-alone workshops build on the next and are best taken as a complete series. All workshops are based on principles of Social-Emotional Learning, Non-Violent Communication, Restorative Practices, and Universal Spiritual Principles. Each workshop explores practices, tools and principles that allow us to safely address conflicts while promoting deeper connection, evolution, and growth. The purpose is to raise consciousness, develop compassion, and help participants experience and appreciate the interconnectedness of life, as they explore their power to affect personal and collective change.
The workshop is 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET. Bring your lunch to eat immediately following the Sunday gathering. A Love Offering for CSLCC will be taken. No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.
You may register and make your Love Offering by completing this registration.